Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Modicum for Mamma: Where are your eyes?

This Modicum for Mamma is a simple step that some wise ladies have often reminded me of. This one practical tip is so easy to do, and yet it has such enormous ramifications. When I remember this little thing, I find myself enjoying my children that much more. It helps me, in its small way, to invest in them and in their day in a big way. It gives both me and them a sense of connection and fellowship.

And it takes less than a minute to do.

"Look them in the eyes and smile."

I have been amazed to find how often I forget to simply look at my children. It is so easy to reply to their queries with my back turned, while I finish peeling the potatoes for dinner. They can walk into a room, register a complaint, receive an answer, return to their play--all without really having been noticed. I can read books to them, play on the floor with them, teach them school, or correct them, all without really having looked into their eyes.

So, this is a challenge to stop regularly, look into their eyes, and smile. They will know they are important, and Mom gets the joy of seeing their beautiful faces and the light in their eyes.

"The light of the body is the eye...." (Matt. 6:22)

"The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous..." (Psalm 34:15)

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